Unified Managed Security For Cyber Threat Prevention
ZERO TRUST RANSOMWARE & DATA BREACH PROTECTIONIsolate unknown executables and other files that request runtime privileges are automatically run in a virtual container that does not access endpoints and host system’s resources or user data. Gain full context of an attack to connect the dots on how hackers are attempting to breach your network. Quickly identify attacks with accurate root-cause analysis for effective remediation intelligence.
Equip every endpoint, network, and workload with specific network access rights, rules and antivirus scan schedule settings.
Defense against new or zero-day cyber threats using powerful static, dynamic, and patented behavioral AI.
Gain full context of an attack to connect the dots on how hackers are attempting to breach your network.
Equip every endpoint, network, and workload with the latest threat intelligence against cyber threat signatures and payloads.
Through the Valkyrie Verdicting engine, results are published globally in real-time for all Comodo customers. Using a combination of multiple AI environments and human security specialists, you will never be exposed to the damage of cyber threats through true zero trust architecture.
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Sofia, Bulgaria